Course: Artificial intelligence and the future of scientific thinking

This is a short overview of what AI can do and how it works, so I can only give you pointers to detailed information and software systems. I hope that you will find some AI systems relevant to your work.

Organization of this tutorial.
1. AI - what is it? History, subfields, approaches, related fields, future ….
2. Symbolic AI: philosophy and methods – search techniques.
3. Games and cognition.
4. Knowledge representation, logic and human cognition.
5. Applications: expert systems, reasoning, medical applications.
6. AI: natural language, bots and interesting applications.
7. Large AI projects, brain-inspired.
8. Machine learning: basics, types, methods.
9. What AI can do for you? Final presentations – your summary.

Artificial intelligence and the future of scientific thinking

6.12, sorry but we have postpone this course till the next semester

due to the serious heart problem that keeps me in the hospital .